Animal Browse
Cats/Kittens Available for Adoption and Sponsorship
Domestic Long Hair (long coat) Black w/white patch Cat /Female Location:Forest Lake Petsmart 299 12th St SW Forest Lake MN 55025 ((651) 234-1240) Hello, my name is Amalthea. I was one of many cats left behind. I am a swee... |
Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (short coat) brown tabby Cat /Female Hello, My name is Babs. I was rescued from a porch with 25 other cats. We w... |
Domestic Short Hair / Siamese (short coat) chocolate/cream Cat Hello, my name is Benedict. Unfortunately, my owner went into assisted livi... Sponsor This Pet |
Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (short coat) brown tabby Cat /Female Location:Forest Lake Petsmart 299 12th St SW Forest Lake MN 55025 ((651) 234-1240) Hi, my name is Beryl. My siblings Mookaite & Biggs are a gem of a group... |
Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (short coat) brown tabby Cat /Male Location:Forest Lake Petsmart 299 12th St SW Forest Lake MN 55025 ((651) 234-1240) Hi, my name is Biggs. My siblings Mookaite & Beryl are a gem of a group... |
Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (short coat) orange tabby Cat /Male I’m Boy George, with a sweet, laid-back vibe and a dash of playful en... |
Domestic Short Hair (short coat) brown tabby Cat /Male Location:Chuck & Don's 910 Wildwood Road St. Paul MN ((651) 747-8709) Hello, My name is Buster. I was 1 of 25 cats rescued from a porch without p... |
Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Black & white Cat /Female Location:Forest Lake Petsmart 299 12th St SW Forest Lake MN 55025 ((651) 234-1240) Hello, my name is Chaldene. I was one of many cats left behind. I am a swee... |
Domestic Short Hair / Tuxedo (short coat) Black w/white tuxedo Cat /Female Hello, my name is Chateau. I was born in a foster home after my mama, Pippi... Sponsor This Pet |
Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (long coat) orange tabby Cat /Male Hello, My name is Denny. I came in with Boy George. I was a stray brought t... |
Domestic Medium Hair (medium coat) brrown tabby w/ Cat /Female Hello, my name is Elmyra. My children & I were in a property with over ... |
Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (short coat) gray tabby w/white Cat /Female Hello, my name is Fern. I was brought to SFAAR when I was only a few weeks ... Sponsor This Pet |
Animals Found: 31