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Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Animal Rescue!
P.O. Box 256 Forest Lake, MN 55025 (612) 387-4869
Animal Success Stories

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Update Sadly Dandelion passed away in 2016. I want to let everyone know how I am doing. I'm not sure if anyone there will remember me or not. My name is Dandelion. I was called Farah, when I was at St. Francis. I had been a stray and was in my foster home for over eight months getting ready to be adopted. I was scared when I first got to my foster home and didn't like the other cats there and so would bite a lot. My foster mom worked with me so I could have a forever home. I was adopted in February 2003. I am now about 8 years old. My human companion Cathy attached some pictures of me. She says I am the most beautiful and loveable cat in the whole world. She loves me dearly and tells me so every day. I like to sit on Cathy's lap and be petted and cuddled. When it's night-time I sleep on Cathy's back and keep her warm. I greet her at the door when she comes home from work. In the summer I have a big screened porch where I can be "outside" and watch the birds and enjoy the fresh air. I still play like a kitten and especially like to bat things attached to a string. I am an only cat and that was just what I wanted when I was adopted. I am so happy in my forever home and Cathy thinks she is even more fortunate than I am, because she has a wonderful cat like me! Thank you St. Francis for taking me in and getting me ready for my forever home.


Here are two recent photos of Ping and Chang together - uh, again! Ping and Chang have quite a history together. You see, Ping and Chang were together for about seven years living the grand life in Santa Barbara, CA before their human "mom" passed away suddenly. The cats all moved to MN with their "dad"and had just settled into their home when their "dad" passed away. Leaving Ping, Chang and two other boys suddenly homeless! The man's son and daughter already had nine cats between the two of them. Chang was the oldest of the bunch had chronic urinary tract issues, an exception was made and he was adopted by the son and his wife. SFAAR graciously took Ping, Pong and Merlin. They found homes for all of them. This was over two years ago. Poor Ping (aka Mr.Pingleman) ended up back at SFAAR when his new owner passed away. Leaving him once again homeless! While browsing the SFAAR website one day, the son's wife happened to notice that Ping was BACK at SFAAR. They decided that Ping had been through enough, so they took him in. Ping was cat number six. The funny thing is, Ping and Chang did not remember each other at all. In fact, for a few months, did not even like each other! The other resident cats were not thrilled with the new addition. Everything was not all "sunshine and happiness." But, as you can see, Ping and Chang seem to remember that they were once friends and now share tiny beds and heating pads and even groom eachother. They are truly old friends - Chang is 13 and Ping is now almost 10. While Ping definitely took the long road home, he is now home for good.


Scrabble - now Elwood. We adopted him in May, with Carbon Copy, now Jake. From the beginning, Elwood has been a very social cat, wanting to be with one of us whenever possible, and greeting visitors to our home. He will follow us around the house, and likes to walk across keyboards when we are working at the computer. Elwood likes to get in the stuffed chair and 'kneed' us before settling down next to us or running off on the next adventure. He knows he is handsome and poses often. He plays independently with little toy mice and likes to chase the lazer light. He is excited to be giving the SFAAR calendar to friends this Christmas, especially since he is one of the cats featured in November!

Carbon Copy

Carbon Copy - now Jake. We adopted Jake in May with Scrabble, now Elwood. Jake is more independent, and can be timid around new people. He has learned to really like being brushed, but not so much getting his nails trimmed. He turns on his motor and purrs at the slightest touch. He plays independently with pouch toys filled with catnip, tossing them high in the air. Jake is our climber, visiting heights above kitchen cabinets. He likes to play tag with adopted brother, Elwood, and they race up and down the steps to see who is the fastest.


Hello, I adopted Orion (formerly Tinoco) at PetSmart today. He is already loving his window view and is very excited that he has a kitty water fountain to drink from. He has already jumped up onto my lap several times to snuggle. Such a sweet, mellow cat. I will keep you updated but I am already in love with my new little guy.

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Last Updated: 3/11/2025 11:08 PM
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